The Providence
Business News, August, 1996
Manufacturing employment in Rhode Island has fallen continually since 1984. The common
presumption about this trend appears to be that manufacturing output has been declining as
well. What amazes me most about this is the number of politicians and persons in the media
who view such an employment-output relationship as an immutable law. It is not terribly
difficult to find discussions about the "inevitable demise" of Rhode Island
manufacturing in local newspapers, television stories or as part of political speeches.
Policy discussions and candidate debates all too often move quickly to outlining
prerequisites for returning manufacturing to its status a decade ago.
The good news is that any discussion about the demise of manufacturing in Rhode Island
is, to say the least, premature. The "norm" for the behavior of manufacturing
employment has changed, making this "immutable law" view misguided.
Throughout all of the 1990s, the sheer volume of regional and international competition
faced by manufacturers in all fifty states has largely precluded them from increasing
prices. Since production costs have been rising, they have been forced to cut costs. Rhode
Island is no exception to this trend. The primary vehicles for cost savings have been
downsizing and the continual introduction of labor-saving technology into production. Both
of these have resulted in employment reductions. The fact that has been missed by the
"immutable law" crowd is that the firms who downsize or incorporate newer
technology, our SURVIVING manufacturing firms, have actually increased output at the same
time employment has been reduced. So, in our present economic climate, inferring changes
in manufacturing output from declines in manufacturing employment is almost certain to be
fraught with problems. Declining manufacturing employment might actually be associated
with higher production. It is the exodus of firms from Rhode Island that reduces both
employment and production. This is the major problem we face and the basis for the general
presumptions about the ill health of our manufacturing sector.
Barring any major uptick in inflation, our manufacturing sector will follow a new
"rule:" layoffs will become the norm rather than the exception for surviving
manufacturing firms in our state. From now on, layoffs in manufacturing can be expected to
occur not only when the economy sours (cyclical unemployment), but as part of the
underlying process of structural change in our manufacturing sector. State economic policy
cannot prevent these "structural" layoffs. Instead, it must work to assure that
manufacturing employment IN THE AGGREGATE rises. To borrow from the old retail saying, we
must make up for these individual-firm employment losses by "making it up in
volume." We are thus more dependent than ever before on attracting new businesses to
our state and having our existing firms expand.
Whether we like it or not, manufacturing employment in this state will probably never
return to its level of a decade ago. From this point forward, state fiscal policy must
explicitly acknowledge the new "rule" of manufacturing stated earlier. As a
first step, it will have to deal far more aggressively than it has in the past with the
widely acknowledged problems associated with doing business in Rhode Island. It should not
restrict its focus to determining what it will take for individual firms to remain or
expand here. That emphasis, as we saw in the 1980s, necessarily lent itself to a
"lets make a deal" mentality. It was doomed to failure since it treated
the symptoms, not the problems associated with our manufacturing climate. The most
important question that needs to be asked is: "What will it take for firms to
willingly choose to locate in Rhode Island?" Once that question has been
satisfactorily answered and appropriate policies have been implemented, our concerns about
both the exodus and expansion of existing firms will be rendered moot.
by Leonard Lardaro |